JetTrac PDFJob


Built-in JobController function that will read a PDF file to find a job name to process through JetTrac JobController

Technical Support:

If you need assistance in installing and configuring JetTrac PDFJob™, call Pro Technology Automation, Inc. at 805-527-1248 or email us at Please note that the JetTrac PDFJob™ license fee does not cover configuration services and technical support so there may be an additional charge. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.

How to run JetTrac PDFJob:

Has to be managed/run from within a JobController job.

Default Functionality:

Used by JetTrac JobController to know what job to run when JetTrac JobController gets a PDF form to process

Job Step Configuration Window in JobConfig for JetTrac PDFJob:

When setting up a job step using JTPDFJob in JobConfig the only line of the config you need to worry about is the first, the Config file. This field should be filled with the fully qualified path to the Config file for JTPDFJob. Eg: C:\JetTrac\…\config.ini
In JobConfig, file paths entered should not be in quotes.

As with all modules, there is a dropdown to select whether or not the job should stop completely if this step fails. If you select Yes, any error will terminate the job process and write to the log file what happened, if no, then the job will try to continue anyways. However if any steps further down the line rely on the output of a job set to not stop on error, they may not work properly.

For more specifics go to the JetTrac Field ServiceJobConfig page.

JetTrac PDFJob Command Line:

!x PDFJOBID * C:\JetTrac\Programs\JTPDFExtract\PdfExtract.exe “””@InFile.”” “”@DataPath.\@DataName._job.xml”” “”C:\JetTrac\JobController\Server\Config\Field Service_Config_JobName_Placeholder.xml”” “”@LogFile.”” “”JOBID””” “PDFJOBID job”

The command line begins with the file path to the module’s executable file followed by the path for the input XML file, the outpult XML file, the log file, a Command to check the JobID and ends with a short description of what the module does.

Additional Notes:

Within the XML document being referenced above is a tag referencing the JOBID in the PDF:


