This document is a guide to installing, configuring and using the JetTrac DataTrans™ Custom Agent.
Technical Support:
If you need assistance in installing and configuring JetTrac DataTrans™, call Pro Technology Automation, Inc. at 805-527-1248 or email us at Please note that the JetTrac DataTrans™ license fee does not cover configuration services and technical support so there may be an additional charge. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.
Installation and Configuration of JetTrac Datatrans™:
Installing Java:
Refer to the document JetTrac Java and Licensing Considerations for installing the Java Runtime Environment (Java or Java Runtime Environment or JRE) and generating a site code for your site. It is available on the web at
Installing JetTrac DataTrans:
After the JRE is installed, you are ready to proceed to the JetTrac DataTrans files themselves. The files you need are:
Filename Description
JTDataTrans.jar JetTrac DataTrans executable program file (java)
JetTrac DataTrans User Guide.pdf this document
printimage.dat Sample Print Image data file for testing
printimage.sif Sample Stream Information File (SIF) which is the data mapping file
Run JetTrac DataTrans.bat Sample bat file to test JetTrac DataTrans
Job Step Configuration Window in JobConfig for JetTrac DataTrans:
When setting up a job step using JTDataTrans in JobConfig the only lines of the config you need to worry about are the first and the last two, the Input ASCII and Output XML. If left as an asterisk * the input will be whatever file is in the data folder that triggered the job running. This works well if it’s the first step but if the input is also the output of a previous job step you would need to specify the fully qualified path of the input. Eg: C:\JetTrac\…\input.pdf
In JobConfig, file paths entered should not be in quotes.
As with all modules, there is a dropdown to select whether or not the job should stop completely if this step fails. If you select Yes, any error will terminate the job process and write to the log file what happened, if no, then the job will try to continue anyways. However if any steps further down the line rely on the output of a job set to not stop on error, they may not work properly.
For more specifics go to the JetTrac Field ServiceJobConfig page.
The JetTrac DataTrans Command Line:
JetTrac DataTrans is a Java program and must be run from withing the Java Runtime Environment. Assuming that you already have Java installed on your system.
java ” -jar -DJETTRACLF=”C:\JetTrac\JobController\License\JetTrac.lic” “C:\JetTrac\Programs\JTDataTrans\JTDataTrans.jar” “JTDataTrans_Input.dat” “JTDataTrans_Output.xml” “JTDataTrans_Config.sif” “JTDataTrans.log”
The command line begins with the path to the java license file and the executable file for the module followed by the file path to the input file, the desired file path and name of the output file, the path to the module’s config file and then the log file to track the step’s progress. Lastly, all command lines end with a short description of what the module does.
XML Output:
By default, JetTrac DataTrans produces output data streams in the format that is determined by the script in the SIF file (see section 2.6). However, if you need XML output, add –xml to the command line at the end, after the log file reference. The output will then be valid XML format. Also, you may want to change the extension of your output file, so that the name ends in .xml for practical reasons.
The JetTrac DataTrans License File:
As with all JetTrac products, JetTrac DataTrans is protected from piracy by the JetTrac License Manager system. This system locks JetTrac DataTrans for use exclusively to one server or system in your organization. It works in this manner:
1. You run JetTrac SiteCode on your computer and generate a unique site code file for your system.
2. You send that site code file to Pro Technology Automation.
3. Pro Technology uses your site code file to generate a product license key file.
4. Pro Technology sends the product license key file back to you.
5. When JetTrac DataTrans runs, it scans the system and compares the tokens it finds with the tokens found in the license key file, and if they match, it runs normally.
Refer to the document JetTrac Java and Licensing Considerations for further information.
The JetTrac DataTrans Stream Identification File (SIF):
The Stream Identification File is used by JetTrac DataTrans to identify where the fields are found in the incoming stream and what the names of those fields are.
It is composed of several sections:
1. The O line. Sets general parameters.
2. The E lines. Sets field locations.
3. The script. Sets output strings.
The O line. It looks like this:
O ” N 1 N N Y Y C|
It consists of these elements:
1. O is the first char.
2. not used (leave as “)
3. document length (0 for print image, 1 for fixed record)
4. not used (leave as 1)
5. not used (leave as N)
6. not used (leave as N)
7. not used (leave as Y
8. not used (leave as Y)
9. Input file type (C for delimited, O for fixed record or print image)
10. delimit character (used only with delimited files)
The E lines. They look like this:
E Company * ‘ ‘ 1 1 1 001 004 0 0 ‘ ‘
Each line consists of these parameters:
For Delimited:
1. E is the first character
2. the field name is the second value
For Fixed Record
1. E is the first character
2. the field name is the second value
3. not used (leave as *)
4. not used (leave as ‘)
5. not used (leave as ‘)
6. not used (leave as 1)
7. the starting line number (leave as 0)
8. the ending line number (leave as 0)
9. the starting column number
10. the ending column number
11. not used (leave as 0)
12. not used (leave as 0)
13. not used (leave as ‘)
14. not used (leave as ‘)
For Print Image
1. E is the first character
2. the field name is the second value
3. not used (leave as *)
4. not used (leave as ‘)
5. not used (leave as ‘)
6. not used (leave as 1)
7. the starting line number
8. the ending line number
9. the starting column number
10. the ending column number
11. not used (leave as 0)
12. not used (leave as 0)
13. not used (leave as ‘)
14. not used (leave as ‘)
The script
The script determines the final output. The script is made up of static values and values taken from the E lines for each field. For each document in the incoming stream, the script will be run once.
Script structure:
1. The beginning. The script must start with #startscript *
2. The body. This consists of anything you want. Where you would like a field value to be inserted, refer to the field with this notation: @fieldname If you would like the field to have the leading and trailing (not embedded) spaces removed, use this notation: @fieldname%
3. The end. The script must end with #endscript
Sample script:
#startscript *
If @field1name had a value of 332342 and @field2name had a value of 11/21/2007, then the output of JTDataTrans would be:
#startscript *