This document is a guide to installing, configuring and using the JetTrac Decimal™ Custom Agent. This document includes detailed instructions for installation and configuration in the JetForm Central Job Management Database.
In some data files there are no decimal points in the input data files but the decimal points are assumed. The way that JetForm Central’s Print Agent works is that if there are no explicit decimals then it assumes it is a whole number. The purpose of JetTrac Decimal is to insert Decimal points on a field by field basis with the correct number of decimal points.
JetTrac Decimal™ is written in C so it will run on only Windows platforms.
Technical Support:
If you need assistance in installing and configuring JetTrac Decimal™, call Pro Technology Automation, Inc. at 805-527-1248 or Email us at Please note that the JetTrac Decimal™ license fee does not cover configuration services and technical support so there may be an additional charge. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.
Installing JetTrac Decimal:
You will receive an installation ZIP file. Simply double click on the ZIP file to unzip it with WinZip or equivalent. Unzip it to the drive letter where JetForm Central is installed (e.g. c:\ or d:\ for Windows). The following files will be installed:
Folder name Filename Description
C:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal RunJTDecimal.bat Batch file for testing
C:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal JTDecimal.exe Decimal executable
C:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal JTDecimal.db JetTrac Decimal db file
C:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal JetTrac Decimal User Guide.pdf – this document
Configuring the JetTracDecimal.db file:
The JetTrac Decimal db file is very simple. It is a list of field names followed by a pipe then the number of positions from the right of the numeric amount that the decimal should be inserted.
The JetTrac Decimal Command Line:
If you run JetTrac Decimal from a command line here is the syntax:
c:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal\JTDecimal.exe InputFile.dat OutputFile.dat JTDecimal.db jfserver.log
Configuring the task in the Job Management Database:
JetTrac Decimal requires four command-line arguments:
<Input Data File> <Output Data File> <db file> <log file>
The DB file is the file with all the decimal definitions as specified in the above Section. The log file is the fully qualified JetForm Central logfile name or the JetForm Central Substitution Variable @LogFileName.
To add the JetTrac Decimal custom agent in JetForm Control for Windows platforms:
1. Start JetForm Control by clicking Start, Programs, JetForm Central, JetForm Control (may be slightly different for your installation). You will get the following screen:
2. Add a new Task by clicking on File, Job Management Database, Tasks. You will get the following screen:
3. Create a new task by clicking New Task. Set up the Task Definition with the following information:
Task ID: Decimal
Program name: c:\jfsrvr\CustomAgents\JTDecimal\JTDecimal.exe
Program options: @Infile @OutFile @MDFName @LogFileName
Comment: JetTrac Decimal Custom Agent to insert Decimals
4. Click OK to save the Task Definition.
5. Close out of the Task Definition window.
2.8 Configuring the Job in the Job Management Database
1. Now you must create a job step that calls the JetTrac Decimal task. This would normally be the first job step in the complete job you are setting up (e.g. you would run JetTrac Decimal, then the Transformation Agent next, then the Print Agent). To set up a new job, from JetForm Control main screen click File, Job Management Database, Jobs, then New Job. Define the rest of the steps that as needed.
2. From the main screen of JetForm Control, click File, Job Management Database, Jobs. You will get a list of all jobs you have set up in JetForm Central. We will assume that you already have a job set up and you are adding the JetTrac Decimal task. Click on the Job that you want to add notification to, then click “New Step”. The New Job Step screen will appear.
The following are the fields that you need to fill in:
Task ID – from the drop down list, select Decimal
Input File – leave this as *
Output file – Type A
On Error – Select S to Stop the Job if there is an error in JetTrac Decimal
Form File – put the fully qualified name of the DB file
Preamble file – This should be *
Printer Name – leave it as *
Macro Number – leave it at 1
Load Flag – leave it at T
Comments – type in a description like “Inserts Decimals”
3. Close the job step window.
4. In the job definition window, select the JTDecimal step and make sure that it is the first step in the job by putting it at the top of the list with the up and down arrow buttons in the window.
5. Close all windows, get back to the main JetForm Control screen and update the Job Management Database by clicking on Control, Reload Job Management DB. When asked if you want to save changes to the Job Management Database, click Yes.
Submitting transaction files to JetForm Central:
To submit a transaction file to JetForm Central, you place a data file into the Collector Directory. There are a number of ways to do this depending on the platform that you are running JetForm Central. You can FTP the file, use the JetForm Print Processor, use Named Pipes or simply copy the file to the Collector Directory.
How JetTrac Decimal™ is triggered:
As JetTrac Decimal is set up as one of the steps of a job, whenever a job is triggered that needs to use JetTrac Decimal, the processing happens automatically.
JetForm Central Log File:
JetTrac Decimal™ conforms to all JetForm requirements as a Custom Agent. It writes a status to the log file and creates the JETFORM.RSP. Here is a sample entry in the log file for a successful run of JetTrac Decimal:
20000318201457 JetTrac Decimal : processing completed, 105 records
Batch Processing Output:
When testing JetTrac Decimal with a batch process, you should see output that looks something like this:
- DecimalTrac Decimal Point Processing for JetForm Data Files V1.1
(c) 1999, Pro Technology Automation Inc.
————– Processing initialization data ———
DECIMAL.DB file : ChopPrCheckDecimalTrac.db
Total of 223 DECIMAL records read
Input file : CHOPPrCheck.out
Output file : Output.dat
————– Processing ————————-
————– Processing completed ————–
Total of 13 fields modified.