JetTrac ExcelJobName


Extracts a Job Name out of the Excel spreadsheet so the proper JetTrac job can be triggered

Technical Support:

If you need assistance in installing and configuring ExcelJobName™, call Pro Technology Automation, Inc. at 805-527-1248 or email us at Please note that the ExcelJobName™ license fee does not cover installation, configuration, implementation or technical support so there may be an additional charge if you need those services. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.

Default Functionality:

When an Excel spreadsheet is delivered to JetTrac (from the Data watched folder), JetTrac needs to determine what job to run. This module will read a special comment in the spreadsheet to determine the Job Name.


How to Run JetTrac ExcelJobName:

To run JetTrac ExcelJobName, you need the following files in the same folder:

  • JTExcelJobName.exe

Executable files should not be edited for any reason.

This module’s job is to figure out what Job to run based on the Excel document received. This is done by looking for a comment in Row 1 Collumn A with the format “~~Job=JobName
Comments can be added to individual cells by right clicking on the cell and selecting “Insert Comment”

Job Step Configuration Window in JobConfig for JetTrac ExcelJobName:

When setting up a job step using JTExcelJobName in JobConfig the only two lines of the config you need to worry about are the last two, the Input Excel and Output XML. If left as an asterisk * the input will be whatever file is in the data folder that triggered the job running. This works well if it’s the first step but if the input is also the output of a previous job step you would need to specify the fully qualified path of the file you want to extract the annotations from. Eg: C:\JetTrac\…\input.excel
In JobConfig, file paths entered should not be in quotes.

As with all modules, there is a dropdown to select whether or not the job should stop completely if this step fails. If you select Yes, any error will terminate the job process and write to the log file what happened, if no, then the job will try to continue anyways. However if any steps further down the line rely on the output of a job set to not stop on error, they may not work properly.

For more specifics go to the JetTrac Field ServiceJobConfig page.

JetTrac ExcelJobName Command Line:

“C:\JTExcelJobName.exe” “C:\JTExcelJobName_Input.xlsx” “C:\JTExcelJobName_Output.xml” “C:\JTExcelJobName.log”

This command line starts off with the fully qualified path to the module’s executable file, followed by the input xlsx file. This module is more like a built in function within JobController, if an xlsx file is dropped into the data folder, this module will run to determine what job should be run. The command line outputs an XML file with the jobcard so the desired location of the output file will most likely be the Data folder in JetTrac. This module doesn’t have a config file so the command line ends here with the log file.

Additional Notes:

For any Excel related module to work, the system running JobController must have Excel installed.
If Excel is installed and these modules still aren’t working, there might be an issue with a missing Desktop folder in the system32 file tree. Follow this link for instructions: