This document is a guide to installing, configuring and using the JetTrac Fax™ Custom Agent. This document includes detailed instructions for installation and configuration in the Adobe Central Pro Output Server Job Management Database.
JetTrac Fax™ enables any version of Adobe Central Pro Output Server to send faxes through the Windows Fax subsystem of Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server.
JetTrac Fax™ is written in .NET, so will only run on Windows XP or 2003 Server.
Technical Support:
If you need assistance in installing and configuring JetTrac Fax™, call Pro Technology Automation, Inc. at 805-527-1248 or E-mail us at Please note that the JetTrac Fax™ license fee does not cover configuration services and technical support so there may be an additional charge. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.
Adobe/JetForm Note:
Adobe’s current name for the Central product is Adobe Central Pro Output Server. Previously it was known as JetForm Central or Accelio Present Central, but these names all refer to the same product and JetTrac Fax works the same way with all names and versions of Central.
System Requirements:
• .NET Framework v1.1
• MS Windows XP or MS Windows Server 2003
• MS Windows Fax Service must be installed (setup instructions in section 2.7)
Installing JetTrac Fax:
There is no “installation” other than copying the files to the desired location and configuring the setup files and Adobe Central’s Job Management Database. The files you need are:
Filename Description
JTFax.exe JetTrac Fax executable program file
fxscomex.dll JetTrac Fax DLL for MS
Interop.FAXCOMEXLib.dll JetTrac Fax DLL for MS
JTFaxConfig.xml JetTrac Fax configuration file
The JetTrac Fax Command Line:
The format of the command line is:
[path to JTFax.exe file] {PDF to fax} [input fnf] [XML config file]
A sample command line is:
“c:\JetTrac\JTFax\JTFax.exe” “c:\JetForm\PDF\report.pdf” “Test.fnf” “JTFaxcfg.xml”
Configuring the JetTrac Fax XML file:
There are two main steps to complete the configuration of JetTrac Fax. The first is to set up the JTFax XML configuration file. The second is to set up the tasks and job steps in the Job Management Database in Adobe Central Control to call JetTrac Fax™ at the correct time.
There is one configuration file for JetTrac Fax. Here is a sample:
<?xml version=”1.0″ ?>
<control_dir static=”true”></control_dir>
<FaxServer static=”true”></FaxServer>
<Sender.Name static=”true”>Brad Jashinsky</Sender.Name>
<Sender.Company static=”true”>ProTechnology</Sender.Company>
<Sender.StreetAddress static=”true”>Valley Fair</Sender.StreetAddress>
<Sender.City static=”true”>Simi Valley</Sender.City>
<Sender.State static=”true”>CA</Sender.State>
<Sender.ZipCode static=”true”>93063</Sender.ZipCode>
<Sender.Country static=”true”>United States</Sender.Country>
<Sender.Email static=”true”></Sender.Email>
<Sender.FaxNumber static=”true”>8055271248</Sender.FaxNumber>
<Sender.OfficePhone static=”true”>8055270938</Sender.OfficePhone>
<Sender.OfficeLocation static=”true”>Chair</Sender.OfficeLocation>
<Sender.Title static=”true”>Sales Manager</Sender.Title>
<Sender.Department static=”true”>Sales</Sender.Department>
<Sender.BillingCode static=”true”>0001</Sender.BillingCode>
<Sender.HomePhone static=”true”>8055271125</Sender.HomePhone>
<Sender.TSID static=”true”></Sender.TSID>
<Recipient.Name static=”true”>Test Recipient</Recipient.Name>
<Recipient.FaxNumber static=”false”>faxtonumber</Recipient.FaxNumber>
<Subject static=”true”>Test Fax for JetTrac Fax</Subject>
<Note static=”true”>This is what goes in the note field</Note>
<Body static=”true”>This is what goes in the body field</Body>
<DocumentName static=”true”>JetTrac Fax Test Coverpage</DocumentName>
<CoverPageType static=”true”>local</CoverPageType>
<CoverPage static=”true”>C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Fax\Personal Coverpages\jettrac fax test.cov</CoverPage>
<Priority static=”true”></Priority>
<ScheduleType static=”true”></ScheduleType>
<ScheduleTime static=”true”></ScheduleTime>
<ReceiptAddress static=”true”></ReceiptAddress>
<ReceiptType static=”true”></ReceiptType>
<AttachFaxToReceipt static=”true”></AttachFaxToReceipt>
Most of the lines in the XML file do not require a value. They are either optional or only show up on the MS Fax Cover page, should you decide to use that system. The only required field is Recipient.FaxNumber to be able to send a fax. Refer to the following table for an explanation of each field and how it may be used by JTFax.
Detailed Explanation of each line:
Field XP/2003 MS Cover Page Required Values Notes
control_dir Blank if local The full path to the Adobe Central Output Server Control directory. Must end with the \ character. The .rsp file will be written here to report the status of the Agent back to Central.
FaxServer Blank if local The name of the server which faxes are sent through. Should have Fax Service installed and configured appropriately. (See documentation.)
Sender.Name Yes
Sender.Company Yes
Sender.StreetAddress Yes
Sender.City Yes
Sender.State Yes
Sender.ZipCode Yes
Sender.Country Yes
Sender.Email Yes
Sender.FaxNumber Yes
Sender.OfficePhone Yes
Sender.OfficeLocation Yes
Sender.Title Yes
Sender.Department Yes
Sender.BillingCode Yes
Sender.HomePhone Yes
Sender.TSID Sender ID, usually is the sender fax number and Name. Overrides settings in Windows
Recipient.Name Yes
Recipient.FaxNumber Yes The fax number to send to. Must contain any prefixes (9, etc)
Subject Yes
Note Yes
Body Not implemented right now, but would be the path of the file to fax. Currently the file is passed on the command line.
Document Name Shows up in the Fax Console as the name of the fax doc
CoverpageType NONE
SERVER Use MS Cover Page .cov file. Designed in Cover Page Editor. Must exist or agent will fail
CoverPage Location of .cov cover page. SERVER is in the \\servename\FxSvrCp$ share.
Priority HIGH
NORMAL High priority jobs fax first. Not sure if this setting is valid on XP. Also, by default some users may not have permission to send HIGH Priority jobs. Use with caution.
ScheduleType 2003 only NOW
SCHEDULED_TIME Discount time frame must be specified on 2003 Server. Otherwise documents sent now.
ScheduleTime 2003 only NOW, 23:59 Not sure on the time format, not extensively tested. Only valid on 2003 if Type set to SCHEDULED_TIME
ReceiptType 2003 only NONE, MAIL, MSGBOX How success or failure receipts are sent. MAIL is an email. MSGBOX pops a message box up on sender pc (Adobe Central). Must be configured in 2003 to work.
ReceiptAddress 2003 only If Type set to MAIL, receipt is emailed to this address. Failure receipts can be configured in 2003 Fax Management.
AttachFaxToReceipt 2003 only TRUE, FALSE Specifies whether or not faxed document is attached to email.
Configuring the task in the Job Management Database:
To add the JetTrac Fax custom agent in Adobe Central Control for Windows platforms:
1. Start Adobe Central Control
2. Add a new Task by clicking on File, Job Management Database, Tasks.
3. Create a new task by clicking New Task. Set up the Task Definition with the following information. This example assumes that you want to attach the PDF file just created by Central and that the name of the file just created is contained in the @OtherJobTokens system variable. If you want to attach a different file, adjust this info accordingly.
Task ID: JTFax
Program name: c:\JetTrac\JTFax\JTFax.exe
Program options: c:\JetForm\pdf\@OtherJobTokens..pdf @Infile. @MDFName
Comment: JetTrac Fax by Pro Technology
4. Click OK to save the Task Definition.
5. Close out of the Task Definition window.
NOTE: @OtherJobTokens assumes that you will pass the core filename in the job card, which will go into the variable @OtherJobTokens. Like this:
^job PO PONum_12345
Configuring the Job in the Job Management Database:
1. Now you must create a job step that calls the JetTrac Fax task. This would be the last one of the job steps in the complete job you are setting up (e.g. you would run the Transformation Agent First, then the Print Agent, then JetTrac Fax).
2. From the main screen of Adobe Central Control, click File, Job Management Database, Jobs. You will get a list of all jobs you have set up in Adobe Central Control. We will assume that you already have a job set up and you are adding the JetTrac Fax task. Open the job that you want to add Fax to, click the next place after the current last job step, then click “New Step”. The New Job Step screen will appear. The following are the fields that you need to fill in:
Task ID – from the drop down list, select JTFAX
Input File – leave this as *
Output file – leave this as *
On Error – Select S to Stop the Job if there is an error in JetTrac Fax
Form File – put the fully qualified name of the config XML file
Preamble file – This should be *
Printer Name – leave it as *
Macro Number – leave it at 1
Load Flag – leave it at T
Comments – type in a description like “Sends the Fax”
3. Close the job step window.
4. Close all windows, get back to the main Adobe Central Control screen and update the Job Management Database by clicking on Control, Reload Job Management DB. When asked if you want to save changes to the Job Management Database, click Yes.
How to set up Windows Fax Subsystem for use with JetTrac Fax:
Part 1 Set up your modem
1. Make sure your modem is installed and has the proper drivers and is connected to a phone line. Go to the Phone and Modem Options control panel, under the Modems Tab.
2. At the Dialing Rules tab, Edit the My Location option
3. Fill out the options for your location.
Part 2: Install and set up the Fax System
1. Go into Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs…
2. When that comes up, click Add/Remove Windows Components on the left. You will get this box:
3. Make sure Fax Services is checked. Click Next to install it. It may ask you for your Windows CD.
4. Go to Start, Settings, Printers and Faxes, Fax. You should get the Fax Console.
5. From the Tools Menu, pick Configure Fax… You will get the Fax Configuration Wizard. Fill out what you want on this screen, but be sure to fill our Your full name and Fax number. The other fields are not required. Click Next.
6. Select the modem you intend to use for sending faxes. Receiving is optional. Click Next.
7. Enter your TSID. This is what will be added to the top of all of the faxes that you send. You can put anything you want here, but usually people put something that includes the return fax number and their business name or an abbreviation. This will be overridden by JTFax anyway. Click Next and Finish.
8. You will probably like to turn on notification. To do so, pick Fax Printer Configuration from the Tools Menu. Select the Tracking tab and turn on the notifications you desire. Click OK.
System Notes:
JTFax can print to a Windows 2003 Fax Server from XP, but the fax printer must be shared by the 2003 server, and added to the XP printer folder as a network printer.
FaxAgent uses the file extension to determine the file type and how to process the file type. The type associations are stored in the windows registry, and the faxAgent uses the shell “printto” command.
IE. the default for tiff is:
rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo /pt “%1” “%2” “%3” “%4”
Cannot Connect to Server Error:
If faxing to a remote fax server, the fax printer must be added to the local host as a network printer.
Operation Failed:
This error may indicate the inability to open the specified cover page. Below is the default path and the network share for SERVER coverpages.
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax\Common Coverpages\
Operation Failed:
Check file associations.