JetTrac FBUpload


This document is a guide to installing, configuring and using the JetTrac FBUpload™ module.


JetTrac FBUpload™ enables the user to populate databases in an automated manner with the tools provided. JTFBUpload supports Microsoft Jet databases (aka. Microsoft Access) and SQL databases including Microsoft SQL and MySQL.

JetTrac FBUpload™ is a .NET application and requires a Windows operating system.

Technical Support:

If you need assistance in installing and configuring JetTrac FBUpload™, call ProTechnology at 805-527-1248 ext. 0 or e-mail us at Please note that the JetTrac FBUpload™ license fee does not cover configuration services and technical support so there may be an additional charge. Please ensure you read these instructions carefully before calling for technical support.INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF JETTRAC FBUPLOAD™


Installing Microsoft .NET Framework
You may acquire the .NET Framework from the following Microsoft location: We recommend only downloading .NET components from Microsoft directly. Contact us for further questions.



Installing JetTrac FBUpload:

After the .NET Framework is installed, you are ready to proceed to the JetTrac FBUpload installation. Extract the delivered .ZIP file to a Program directory under your JetTrac home directory. For example: C:\JetTrac\Programs\JTFBUpload
The files you should see are:

Filename Description

FbUpload2.exe JetTrac FBUpload executable program file

ExitHandler.dll JetTrac FBUpload dynamic link library

Filebound.dll JetTrac FBUpload dynamic link library



The JetTrac FBUpload Command Line:

JetTrac FBUpload is a .NET Windows environment executable program. Refer to section 2.1 for more information on acquiring and installing .NET. Assuming that you already have .NET 4 installed on your system, the format of the command line is:
FbUpload2.exe test.xml test.pdf test.ini test.log
The format is:

<programName> <XMLDataFile> <PDFFile> <FBUpload_ConfigurationFile> <logFile>

We recommend using fully qualified names for each portion of the command line.

The JetTrac FBUpload Configuration File (.ini):

The Configuration file necessary for JetTrac FBUpload contains the FileBound directory mapping that will link the extracted data to the appropriate index fields on the Filebound Server. Additionally FileBound Server Address (URL), Administrator Login Credentials, Project Name, Separator Name, Divider Name, Index Fields, Workflow (Display Name).

The format is:

Server= Fully qualified URL directory to your filebound server.

Username= Admin (anyone that has system administrator rights).

Password= Corresponding filebound password.

FbProjectId= Name of your project to upload to.

FbSeparatorTag= DocType or Name of the separator.

FbDividerTag= DocType or Name of the divider.

FbIndexFields= index fields seperated by pipe.

FbRouteId= Name of workflow to initiate, leave blank if no workflow.

NoDocumentUpload= Option to create a file without uploading a document.

FbIndexDefaultValues= Here you can enter in default values for each of the index fields separated by pipes. If you do not wish to set a default value for one or more, simply leave them blank. For example…

2 index fields, there is no default value for first field, but second has a default value of the string None


If this field is not found within the ini file, FBUpload will ignore it.

EformData= Will allow XML field data to transfer over to Filebound EForm data. If this line does not exist, FBUpload will ignore it. The following is a sample line…


A good example:

Server= http://DellPC/fb6



FbProjectId=ABC Invoices





NoDocumentUpload=N (use Y if you don’t want to upload a document)



Configuring the Job in the Job Management Database:

Contact ProTechnology for information regarding JMD setup or refer

to the JetTrac Field Service JobConfig User Guide.doc.

Issues to consider when implementing JetTrac FBUpload:

Here is a list of a few questions and issues that are important in implementing JetTrac FBUpload:

• Have you gathered the credentials and filebound server information necessary to connect to the database?

• Does the user credentials have System Administrator rights?

• Are you using a literal or dynamic string for the divider and/or separator? For literals the name must be contained in double quotes, for dynamic field values just the field name without quotes.

• Are you initiating a workflow? If yes, the workflow display name is necessary without quotes, If no then after “FbRouteId =” you leave blank.